Distribytional effects of the US asset purchase programme on Emerging market economies

Five economic sectors:

  • Household Sector
  • Government sector
  • Financial institutions
  • Non-Financial Institutions
  • Foreign Sector

Key variables:

  • Net Interest Income and expense
  • Asset prices
  • Households wealth
  • Capital movement


  • Low interest rates have substantially reduced the cost of servicing debt
  • Large corporations with high debt levels benefitted from low rates
  • High bond yields in emerging and developing economics has attracted large capital inflows attributable partly to sound fundamentals
  • However, emerging economies with high foreign share ownership and capital account deficit are moslty at risk of capital outflow and challenges in macroeconomic management.

McKinsel Global Report



The Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance (CoGTA) plays a strategic role in the development planning process in the province. The department proactively provides hands on support throughout the plan development, review as well as implementation stages. The support given is shaped by legislative imperative in the form of Municipal Systems Act (MSA), 32 of 2000. Three focus areas in line with legislative imperatives as outlined above are:

  • Legislative compliance: Assessing the extent to which municipalities Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) complies with legislations and provision of support where there is a lack.
  • Credibility of IDPs: The quality and the integrity of the data used in compiling IDPs which has a direct impact on the implementability of IDPs. Moreover, assessment is made of the responsiveness of strategies to challenges identified in the status quo assessment, linked to budget proposals.
  • Alignment: Focusing on the alignment of municipal plans and strategies to provincial and national strategies and programmes. Moreover, an assessment is made of the extent to which municipalities are planning and contributing for outcomes.


A rigorous assessment of second and the current generation of IDPs have shown that Gauteng municipalities have made strides with regard to legislative compliance and credibility of IDPs. However, municipalities have struggled with alignment of their plans and strategies to other spheres of government.


This brief overview focuses on the implementation of the revised IDP framework[1]. The implementation will have two objectives. Firstly, it will facilitate a collective sector plan development process whereby provincial sector departments actively participate in the municipal sector plan development process. Secondly, chapter six of the framework proposes an IDP format guide which focuses on the alignment of IDP, Budget and Performance Management System (PMS) through the development of standardised input and output indicators, which can be monitored through the Service Delivery and Budget Implantation Plan (SDBIP) template. The template has been developed in collaboration with Gauteng Treasury, M&E and Municipal Support Directorates. The template has already been presented to municipalities and a task team formed responsible for hands-on support to municipalities to ascertain implementation of the framework.




The annual analysis of Gauteng Municipal IDPs shows that, despite various initiatives put in place, alignment both at the vertical and horizontal level remains a challenge. The department in collaboration with sector departments in the province has developed a Gauteng IDP Analysis Framework as an instrument to assess whether municipal IDPs are aligned to National and Provincial Outcomes (OBP). Since the inception of the framework, an observation has been made that municipalities are making considerable progress in planning for outcomes. However, municipalities are at different levels in planning for outcomes as far as the implementation of the framework is concerned. Some municipalities have incorporated outcomes into their SDBIPs depicting clear indicators, baselines, targets, budgets therefore fostering alignment. In contrast, some municipalities tend to list and highlight various national and provincial plans and strategies without linking them to budgets and functionally integrating them into their plans and strategies, amounting to superficial alignment.


Sector plans have up to now been disjointed and municipalities have continuously developed parallel sector plans with scant linkages to provincial plans and strategies. The level of provincial sector department’s participation in the IDP process has also not been adequate inadvertently perpetuating misalignment eventually compromising the ideal of an “IDP as a plan of all government”.  




The development of the framework coincided with an attempt in Gauteng to establish mechanisms through which Integrated Development Plans (IDP), Budgets and PMS should be functionally linked to ascertain alignment. The framework outlines a format guide that municipalities should follow in the development of IDPs, structure and basic service delivery focus areas. The format guide provides a guide to municipalities on how to structure and package IDPs. Moreover, the guide also proposes the indicators, under each focus area that IDPs must respond to.  Most importantly, the guide provides pointers on how to follow through from the status quo analysis to strategy, programmes and project development.


The realisation that there are multiple indicators from different sources that have a direct impact on the alignment of IDP, Budget, and PMS as well as SDBIP necessitated the development of a practical mechanism to reconcile these indicators. This led to the development of standardised SDBIP template as an instrument to aligning IDPs and Budgets. Currently there are various indicators used for different purposes which eventually finds way into municipal IDPs and which puts a reporting requirement on them.         For example, identified in the new revised IDP framework, national indicators predominantly used by M&E to monitor performance, and outcome indicators used for annual reporting purposes.


The SDBIP template represents an alignment tool through which planning, budgeting and reporting can be aligned. The template has the potential to help reduce the burden of reporting on municipalities and will simplify performance monitoring. The development of the template commenced from the premise that existing multiple indicators are not inherently different but should be reconciled and integrated so that there is similar resonance across the board especially when presenting the template to municipalities. Consequently, a successful reconciliation will result in integrated SDBIP and further simplify reporting.




It is important to note that initiatives outlined above are part of a build up towards the next generation of IDPs (2016 -2021). The IDP framework is already being implemented in selected municipalities the outcomes of which will be replicated to all municipalities in Gauteng taking cognisance of their peculiarities and context. The implementation of the revised IDP framework is two-pronged; on one hand it will help facilitate sector plan review process the effectiveness of which is reflected at the IDP level contributing towards the credibility and implementability of IDPs. Secondly, it helps facilitate alignment between IDP, Budget and PMS.


The SDBIP template represents an innovative tool that will be used to foster alignment between IDP, Budget and PMS. The template incorporates IDP indicators, National and provincial outcomes linking them to municipal strategic objectives therefore demonstrating linkages between planning, budgets and performance.


A task-team has been established to oversee the piloting of the project as well as providing hands on support to municipalities.   

[1] Detailed revised IDP format guide is available for further reference

Emerging Markets and the Unwinding of Quantitative Easing

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group:

October 16, 2013 | By |

US Federal Reserve

The mid-year season was marked by a strong pressure of capital outflows and exchange rate devaluations in several systemically relevant emerging market economies. Announcements in May that the Federal Reserve had started to focus on phasing out its asset-purchase program – otherwise known as quantitative easing or (QE) sparked a surge in bond yields that in turn triggered an asset sell-off in those emerging markets. Although subsiding in September, particularly after the Fed announced that “tapering” would not begin yet, concerns remain about what will happen when the actual unwinding of QE eventually unfolds. We argue here that events since May could ideally provide a “fire drill” that might induce emerging markets to address various policy shortcomings that have been exacerbated by the flood of global liquidity in the last few years.

Quantitative Easing has been Countercyclical in Advanced Economies…

After lowering policy interest rates to near zero, the central banks of the major economies started in 2009 an expansion of their balance sheets. The steady purchase of government bonds and other assets by G4 central banks have pushed their combined asset holdings to around 15% of global GDP, up from roughly 8% in 2008 (Chart 1).

The initial rounds of central bank asset purchases were aimed at avoiding a deepening of on-going asset liquidation processes. These were caused by private agents trying to deleverage en masse after the Post-Lehman financial quasi-collapse or, in the case of the euro area, when the crisis of confidence on the euro convertibility unfolded. Without such backstop, more intense asset deflation processes could have been accompanied by widespread bankruptcies and further GDP losses (Brahmbhatt et al, 2010).

In the case of the US Fed, subsequent rounds of asset purchases, besides propping up mortgages through the acquisition of mortgage-backed securities (MBS), were aimed at lowering long-term yields. This can be seen in the evolution of the ten-year US Treasury term premium –accounting for real and inflation risk premiums – toward negative levels also depicted in Chart 1.

“Most emerging markets are currently not as vulnerable as they were in previous episodes of global interest rate hikes.”

Even during its more aggressive stage, the Fed’s QE is perhaps best seen as an accommodative, counter-cyclical policy. Chart 2 shows how the money multiplier practically “fell off a cliff” on both US and European sides of the Atlantic after the crisis struck. This reflected private agents’ preference for holding very high levels of excess reserves of liquidity rather than creating broad money through credit expansion.

Unconventional monetary policies – QE combined with “forward guidance”, i.e. signaling of central banks’ future policies – prevented the unraveling of the financial system and of private asset-liability structures, and countervailed an aggregate demand slump in affected countries. Such policies have thus helped smooth the private sector deleveraging process and, in the case of the Euro, helped save the currency by reducing perceived risks of convertibility. The countercyclical effect could arguably have been stronger if accompanied by countercyclical fiscal policies in the US. On the euro area side, the ECB action would also arguably have been more effective if followed by less austerity and/or structural reforms in crisis-ridden countries, faster euro-wide institutional development and a more proactive writing-off of impaired assets (given the costs of “procrastination” – Canuto, 2013a). Notwithstanding such concerns, and with the benefit of hindsight, one can still assert that such unconventional monetary policies helped avert a graver macroeconomic disaster.

Chart 1Chart 1Chart 2Chart 2Chart 3Chart 3Chart 4Chart 4Chart 5Chart 5Chart 6Chart 6

On the other hand, one may point out several factors tending to decrease the effectiveness and increase the risks of QE policies going forward (Caruana, 2013). Prolonging the period with central bank support to risk-taking not only creates hazards by itself, it also raises the temptation to “evergreen” impaired liabilities with the hope of postponing – perhaps forever – the acknowledgment of losses. Furthermore, future normalization of central bank balance sheets becomes even more challenging. It is no surprise then that, last May, rising confidence on the durability of the US economic recovery yielded growing Fed references to a “tapering” – shrinkage at the margin of asset purchases – probably later in the year.

… And Procyclical for Emerging Market Economies

At the outset of the period of unconventional monetary policies in advanced economies, one could anticipate a massive capital reallocation and associated changes in leverage capacity moving from advanced to emerging market economies. Gloomy prospects for advanced economies and the euro area crisis, combined with diverse channels of transmission for QE, would probably pave the way for portfolio shifts to emerging markets, helped by their post-2008 resilience. Indeed, prices of emerging market assets (including financial assets and real estate) were already reflecting such a relative change of fundamentals between the two groups of economies. Some analysts pointed out a major potential of risks for emerging markets in case excessive euphoria prevailed and finance-led asset bubbles were allowed to rise (Canuto, 2011).

In retrospect, it is evident that the world experienced a significant increase in assets and exposure to emerging markets in 2009-12, despite efforts by these economies to introduce capital controls and other macro-prudential measures (Canuto and Cavallari, 2013). Outstanding emerging corporate bonds grew fast throughout the period. “Dedicated” emerging market equity and bond funds were bloated and followed by the much larger “crossover segment” (retail, hedge funds, and institutional). To different country-specific extents, this wave of global liquidity helped fuel credit booms, asset price inflation and macroeconomic over-heating in emerging market economies (Caruana, 2013).

In the case of equities, as illustrated in Chart 3, the tide started to turn last year when news on a growth slowdown in major emerging markets predominated (on China and Brazil, see Canuto, 2013b). But it was only last May that significant global portfolio rebalancing was put in motion, when upbeat news on US employment released on May 3th firmed the positive outlook for its economy, followed by an uptick on long-term yields. On May 22th a Fed talk about shrinking – and eventually reversing – its asset purchase program was made public – see Charts 3 and 4. While unconventional monetary policies have been countercyclical in advanced economies implementing them, they have had pro-cyclical consequences on emerging markets — boosting credit and demand when most economies among the latter were already heated up, and threatening to accentuate a slowdown where it started to happen.

The global portfolio adjustment has seen a movement away from countries/markets deemed as vulnerable to QE unwinding and toward those whose prospects appear likely to improve as a consequence of possible future policy change. Chart 5 shows how, prior to the September calm-down, exit flows and exchange-rate devaluations were not distributed evenly among emerging market economies, but rather concentrated on large countries exhibiting current-account deficits (Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia, and Turkey). However, even China felt ripple effects through a severe liquidity squeeze in its interbank market in June, partially reflecting an accentuated slowdown in US dollar inflows in late May [see BIS (2013) on this and domestic factors behind the brief but acute episode of interbank volatility in China.]

The Recent Emerging Market Sell-Off May Have Turned Out to be a Timely Wake-up Call for the Post-QE World

The effects of an announced “tapering” — reduction at the margin — of monthly asset purchases in the near future by the Fed was felt immediately, even though its start date was yet to be established. A frequent question now asked is whether U.S. long-term Treasury yields will skyrocket when the Fed actually begins to shrink its balance sheet toward more “normal” levels, and if they do, could the resulting upheaval make the recent emerging market turmoil look like a walk in the park.

Two factors may mitigate the scenario of skyrocketing long-term interest rates. First, if we are right in our description above, the Fed’s balance sheet expansion has not been much greater than the world’s demand for liquidity in dollars. There is ground to believe that the Fed mostly accommodated the private (bank and non-bank) demand for “excess reserves”, nudging down the nominal term premium later in the process. Provided that the US economic recovery settles in and the private demand for long-term bonds – and other assets, like MBS — normalizes, the Fed will not have to dump unwanted assets on the market and, thus, be obliged to offer huge discounts and high interest rates. There is no reason for the Fed to risk derailing the economic recovery by not following such a path and the decision not to start tapering in September yet confirms its propensity to move cautiously and gradually.

This leads us to the second reason for not expecting interest rates to go through the roof. There is no sign of an uptick on U.S. inflation rates or expectations and, therefore, no need for substantial interest rate hikes in the foreseeable future. Interest-rate policies could conceivably be separated from the unwinding of the balance-sheet expansion, but the fact is that the U.S. economy is likely to remain on a low-inflation environment for some time.

Most emerging markets are currently not as vulnerable as they were in previous episodes of global interest rate hikes. Current exchange rate devaluations reflect the adjustment flexibility embedded in their currency regimes, as opposed to pegged rates which in the past made emerging market currencies sitting-ducks for speculative attacks. Furthermore, reserve cushions are much larger, both corporate and public-sector debt positions in most EMs are not as fragile as they were on the brink of the 1990s crises, and the proportion of equity-like investment and domestic currency-denominated debt is higher. The recent credit boom in some countries has left a vulnerable legacy, especially in Asia – Chart 6 ­– but likely a more manageable one, at least as compared to previous experiences. The debt legacy from China’s credit-based real estate boom in the last few years can ultimately be addressed with substantial official reserves and the available fiscal space.

Not by chance, the policy space available in emerging market economies most affected by the recent sell-off has already been put into action to avoid the emergence of vicious circles that spirals of capital outflows and exchange rate depreciations might have caused. Such policy reactions have been as important to the September calm as the signs of caution in the QE taper coming from the Fed.

Provided that we are right regarding caution and gradualism in the exit from central banks’ massive asset purchase programs, as well as on the scope for emerging market policy reaction, the global portfolio adjustment launched in May can be seen as offering an orderly fire-drill for the real unwinding of QE. At the very least, those emerging market countries most likely to be affected have greater recognition of their vulnerability from splurging in the global liquidity pool and leaving their fiscal and/or current-account deficits unaddressed.

Regardless of the role played by the liquidity wave flooding into emerging market economies, these countries have in general been too complacent over the need for structural reforms in order to explore new growth opportunities (Canuto, 2011). We noted above how procrastination in adjusting and restructuring portfolios is a potential downside of QE. To some extent, the aggravation of fiscal and balance-of-payments fragilities in some liquidity-receiving emerging markets, facilitated as an unintended consequence of QE, has exactly been an example of such an accommodation. From this perspective, unwinding QE policies may ultimately be good news for emerging markets, especially if the withdrawal of global liquidity is followed by a sharper focus on promoting country-specific reform and restructuring.

About the Author

otavio-canutoOtaviano Canuto is Senior Advisor on BRICS Economies in the Development Economics Department, World Bank, a new position established by President Kim to bring a fresh research focus to this increasingly critical area. He previously served as the Bank’s Vice President and Head of the Poverty Reduction Network (PREM), a division of more than 700 economists and other professionals working on economic policy, poverty reduction, gender equality and analytic work for client countries. He also served as an Executive Director of the Board of the World Bank from 2004-2007. Outside of the Bank he has held leadership positions at the Inter-American Development Bank where he was Vice President for Countries, and for the Government of Brazil where he was Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance. He also has an extensive academic background, serving as Professor of Economics at the University of São Paulo and University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil.


Brahmbhatt, M., Canuto, O. and Ghosh, S. 2010. Currency wars yesterday and today, Economic Premise n.43, December.

BIS. 2013. BIS Quarterly Review, September 15.

Canuto, O. 2011. Risky growth engines, Project Syndicate, January 21.

Canuto, O. 2013a. Bankrupt Sovereigns: Is There an Orderly Way Out?, Huffington Post, June 10.

Canuto, O. 2013b. China, Brazil – two tales of a growth slowdown, Capital Finance International, Summer.

Canuto, O. and Cavallari, M. 2013. Monetary policy and macroprudential regulation – whither emerging markets, World Bank Policy Research Papers, n.6310, January.

Caruana, J. 2013. Debt, global liquidity and the challenges of exit, 8th FLAR-CAF International Conference, Cartagena, Colmia, July 8.


Catching the tapering sneeze!!!

The assertion that when US economy sneeze’s the whole world catches the flu has recently been given credence by staggering shifts in global financial markets due to US promise to taper their asset management programme. Emerging and developing markets like South Africa  which for a while has been flooded with liquidity now finds itself with declining capital inflows.  Now the theory goes like…Due to South Africa’s low domestic savings rate  and a proportion of imports being higher than exports, our current account deficit (6.5% of GDP) has been financed by capital inflows. On one hand this situatuon reflects the confidence that investors has regarding economic prospects of the country. Conversely, Capital inflows usually panter to the whims of global markets sentiments and have proven to be volatile in the short term and unstable thereby exposing the country to the vagaries of global economic risks. Since the economic recession of 2007 most emerging economies have experienced an upsurge in capital flows. However, most of these flows does not automatically find their way into the productive sector of the economy but into speculative activities on the JSE leading to asset bubbles, consumption spending partly attributable to increased appetite for luxury imported goods.

The speculation that the US Federal Reserve is planning to taper their Quantitative Easing programme has send the global liquidity into a tailspin to the chagrin of emerging markets economies. Interest rates have recovered slightly in the US meaning that the easy money that flooded emerging economies may soon find itslef back to the US shores. This development portends potential challenges for monetary and fiscal policy management.